Children learn best in a safe, nurturing environment. Our school programs offer developmentally appropriate and academically sound experiences for our children.

We are fortunate to be trained by the University of Virginia, Curry School of Education and we use UVA's STREAMin³ curriculum.  The curriculum includes a variety of activities, routines, and resources that provide both structure and flexibility within our school daily schedules.


STREAMin3 is an integrated and comprehensive curriculum focusing on academic
and social-emotional skills with a scope and sequence that spans from birth to age 5.

Our curriculum integrates five Core Skills (Relate, Communicate, Think, Regulate, and Move) and six STREAM skills (Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering, Arts and Math) that form the building blocks for later learning and that prepare children for success in kindergarten and beyond.

STREAMin³ activities, routines, and materials are designed to support these skills in engaging and culturally sensitive ways. Our activities and resources are structured enough to promote important interactions that support Core and STREAM Skill development, and flexible enough to connect with each child’s unique learning needs, culture, and background.

The Sarfan Center is welcoming to all!
Our religious practices are mostly celebratory. Celebrations form a significant part of religious practices
for young children. Celebrations through art, music and food engage the senses to create lasting memories.