Sarfan Center Supply Lists

Infant / Toddler Supplies

Cubby Items (to keep at school - please label)

  • Set of all-weather clothing (underwear, socks, pants, long/short sleeve shirt, extra shoes)

  • Water bottle or sippy cup

  • Daily lunch

Infant Items (please label)

  • Baby Wipes

  • Diapers

  • Diaper cream

  • Crib sheet, blanket / swaddle (laundered by staff)

  • Bottles, formula / breast milk, snacks / meals

  • Pacifier, lovey

  • Additional items to help your little one feel safe and secure

Mazel Tot Items (please label)

  • Baby Wipes

  • Diapers (side-fastening)

  • Diaper cream

  • Crib sheet, blanket, pillow (laundered by staff)

  • Sippy cup

  • Additional items to help your little one feel safe and secure

Sarfan Center Items

  • 10 rolls of paper towels

  • 2 boxes of tissues

  • 4 non-antibacterial pump liquid hand soap

  • 4 boxes of non-latex gloves


Please note: All items brought into school will remain on our campus until the end of the semester.  Staff will wash / sanitize / disinfect used items daily. 

Early Childhood Supplies

Cubby Items (to keep at school - please label)

  • Set of all-weather clothing (underwear, socks, pants, long/short sleeve shirt, extra shoes)

  • Water bottle or sippy cup

  • Daily lunch

2 & 3 Year Old Class (please label)

  • 1 crib sheet
  • 1 pillow and pillowcase
  • 1 blanket

Items will be laundered daily on campus

Non-potty trained children (2 year old class) should also provide:

  • Baby Wipes

  • 1 box of diapers / side-fastening pull-ups

  • Diaper cream